These Rainbow Flower Crowns are fun to make and your child will love wearing it! They also last forever if taken care of so your kid can enjoy them all year round.
June is National Pride Month so I thought it would be fun to do a rainbow craft with the kids. They’re not quite old enough to understand what pride month means, but it’s a start and they loved these Rainbow Flower Crowns!
We have an old family friend who has been making tissue paper flowers for decades. He’s amazing at making them and sells them at festivals throughout the year. I’ve loved his flowers since I was a little kid and they are the inspiration behind these Rainbow Flower Crowns.
What You’ll Need To make Tissue Paper Flowers
- Tissue Paper – I got a big package of primary colored tissue paper. If you can’t find primary colors, they have tissue paper in all different colors and any colors will work. I just like the rainbow ones best!
- Floral Wire – You just need a thin wire that bends easily. The wire will hold the flower together, as well as make a stem for the flower. I also used a thicker floral wire to cover the tape that I used to secure the crown part.
- Crown Material – I just went outside and cut a piece from a bush we had outside. I was then able to form it into a circle and tape it together. You could also make a crown using a thick wire like we did when making our Sunflower Crowns.
Tips for making the perfect Rainbow Flower Crowns
- Tissue paper is very delicate so you want to work gently with it. It’s ok if you tear a piece or two when pulling the petals up, but just be very careful!
- You can make the petals in any shape you want. I wanted mine to look like roses since I’ve been seeing roses everywhere lately, but you could also cut them at a point or even do a zigzag.
- You can make your flowers whatever size you like. I did medium sized ones and they worked well. You just don’t want to them to too large to where they overpower everything.
- These beautiful rainbow crowns can last a long time! Tissue paper is delicate though so just make sure they are cared for. My kids smashed the flowers within a few hours so ours will not be lasting forever haha.
These Rainbow Flower Crowns do take some time and patience to make. You can either just do a few flowers in the front of the crown, like I did, or you can do them around the entire thing. I mainly made the tissue paper flowers while my son watched, but I let him help me secure them to the crown part and both his brother and him loved taking turns wearing it!
Check out exactly how we make these Rainbow Flower Crowns in the video below!
These Rainbow Flower Crowns are fun to make and your children will love wearing them! See instuctional video for clearer directions if you're having trouble.
Rainbow Flower Crowns
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